Advent 18: The Royals


At 3pm on Christmas Day each year, the majority of British citizens switch on BBC TV to listen to The Queen’s Speech.

There will be clips of the Royals and what they did throughout the year; as well as a topic which will be the focal point of what the Nation will focus on in the coming year. This could be an emphasis on: older people who live on their own, disabled veteran servicemen and women, war and our defences, unity of faiths, what is a Christian? etc.

However the speech is really commissioned by the Prime Minister for the Government of the day. People watch The Queen intensely to see if there is a flicker of approval or disapproval in her manner while delivering the words.

For instance, in her last speech at the re-opening of Parliament in May 2016, it was virtually a list from Cameron’s Conservative Party manifesto and The Queen looked very miserable. She just looked down and read it off the paper: “Proposals will be brought forward for a British Bill of Rights. My ministers will uphold the sovereignty of Parliament and the primacy of the House of Commons…”

The programme ends with a rousing anthem of God Save The Queen and though I know of many who will be crashed out and snoring on the sofa by this time on the 25th of December, there will be others standing up and raising their glasses.

Santa took this selfie but where did he go?  The Royals as depicted by Madame Tussauds waxworks in London


16 thoughts on “Advent 18: The Royals

  1. I was fooled too. Jumper. Jersey. Pullover. We’re SOOOO separated by the same language! I would say myself that they’re wearing jerseys. We don’t have the words (until recently) of jumpers and pullovers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My favorite part of it is the Royal Corgi sweater! Our word in the US for “jersey” means more of a long-sleeved t-shirt, I would say; although, its secondary usage would also signify a “t-shirt”, as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi SOL,

    I read in one of the British newspapers (can’t remember which one) that while the humans in the photo were created from wax, the dogs in the photo were *real Corgis* although they might not be purebreds, and they might not have the same Royal Diet as the Royal Corgis.

    God Save the Queen! (Always)

    Cheers, JBS

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  4. I wondered actually about the Queen’s Speech. Do people listen with intent to what she says and take a hint of things to come from her inflection? She is very popular in the US and well thought of. What do people feel about her there? This summer when I was visiting Cornwall, and talking to everyone that I could about Brexit, one women said she voted for it because she thought the European Union wanted to do away with the Royal Family and she was having none of it! Very feisty!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. What a hoot! I was completely fooled, but immensely entertained as I pondered their various jumpers. The only one I couldn’t figure out was the dude behind the Queen. Oh, right — Prince Phillip!

    You’ve reminded me of the wonderful film, “The King’s Speech.” I enjoyed it so much, and always thought to watch it again, I think it would be a fine holiday-time film, so I believe I’ll do that.

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